What To Expect

Naturopathic consults are typically covered in full or in part by most extended health care plans. Our clinic is equipped to do direct online billing with Blue Cross. You will be required to pay upfront and submit your receipt for reimbursement to other insurance companies. We accept VISA, Mastercard and Debit as methods of payment for consultations and dispensary products.

*Testing through Rocky Mountain Analytical available by request (IgG/IgA Food Sensitivity Testing, Saliva Hormone Panels, etc)


Initial Naturopathic Consult (90 min)- $175


Follow-up Naturopathic Consult (30-45 min)- $110


Acute Naturopathic Consult (15-30 min)- $75


Acute Naturopathic Consult (5-15 min)- $40

Your First Appointment

We have easy and ample parking right at the building, including a designated accessible parking space (189 Dykeland St).
Thorough Health History
The initial intake at the Wolfville Naturopathic Clinic is typically 90 minutes and includes a detailed history and concern-oriented physical exam. In addition to discussing your chief concerns, we take the time to find out about your family history, lifestyle, stressors, past medical history, previous accidents or injuries, and any significant events in your life that may have affected your health or well being. This is how we begin putting the pieces of your health puzzle together.
Nutritional Assessment
Along with review of your health diary, we will assess your nutritional status, eating habits/patterns, and dietary make-up. “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful medicine or the slowest form of poison” – Ann Wigmore
Previous Medical/Lab Reports and Diagnostic Testing
Any written medical reports, such as bloodwork, urinalysis, ultrasound, MRIs, X-rays or other test reports are valuable assets that your naturopathic doctor will use during the assessment of your health concerns. Tests from other health care practitioners, including saliva, food sensitivity tests, etc, are also valuable.
Bring your Medicine Cabinet
Please bring any medications or supplements you are using now or have in the recent past. Alternatively, bring a detailed list of what you have at home (name, brand, strength, etc of each item).
Treatment Plan
A written plan will be devised based on a complete and thorough assessment, tailored to the lifestyle and goals of the client. Supplements/botanicals may be prescribed and can be dispensed directly from the clinic. Some items may also be available at a local health food store, pharmacy, or online. A follow-up appointment will be made in approximately 2-4 weeks, depending on the plan.
Payment is due at the conclusion of the appointment. Services are typically covered in full or in part by most extended health care plans/benefits. Our clinic is equipped to do direct online billing with Blue Cross. You will be required to pay upfront and submit your receipt for reimbursement to other insurance companies. We accept VISA, Mastercard and Debit as methods of payment.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

Thomas Edison

Our clinic


Wolfville Integrated Health Care Centre
189 Dykeland St.
Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Make an Appointment

(902) 542-5560
[email protected]

Reception Hours

Mon, Wed & Thu: 9am to 4pm
Tue: 12pm to 7pm | Fri 9am to 12pm
*hours are subject to change